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This has been stressing me out.. I have a hidden input:


I'm populating the hidden input with valid city names via Javascript prior to submitting the form. Suppose someone wants to submit Banana instead of a city name. The culprit can easily alter the input value via DOM inspectors like Firebug.


How can I ensure that the hidden inputs are not tampered with? I'm already validating the input against attacks but as long as I'm accepting alphabetical characters, anything can be submitted, hence banana...


Edit: I'm referring to hidden inputs in general, not just city names. Any value populated by a script and a value that must be submitted unaltered.


4 个解决方案



Some ideas:


  1. Server-side only. The easiest way to do this is to use session variables (like $_SESSION) so that all the data kept on the server side, but managing it and keeping separate tabs a user might have open separate can get a little tricky. This option prevents the user from seeing or editing the information.

    仅限服务器端。最简单的方法是使用会话变量(如$ _SESSION),以便保留在服务器端的所有数据,但管理它并保持用户可能单独打开的单独选项卡可能会有点棘手。此选项可防止用户查看或编辑信息。

  2. Make the client carry an encrypted blob. Take all your "temporary but protected" data, combine it somehow (e.g. JSON) and then encrypt* the whole thing with a secret key known only to the server. Base64 the result and put that into the hidden field value. (Note that for a high-security application, you'll also want to work an HMAC into this process, which validates that the ciphertext hasn't been tinkered with.) This option also prevents the user from seeing or editing the information, but makes it easier to handle cases where one user has many tabs open.

    使客户端携带加密的blob。获取所有“临时但受保护”的数据,以某种方式将其组合(例如JSON),然后使用仅为服务器知道的密钥加密*整个事物。 Base64结果并将其放入隐藏字段值。 (请注意,对于高安全性的应用程序,您还需要将HMAC用于此过程,该过程验证密文未被修改。)此选项还会阻止用户查看或编辑信息,但可以更轻松地处理一个用户打开多个选项卡的情况。

  3. Still use not-so-secret hidden input fields, but add an anti-tampering mechanism. So when the page is being generated, take all of your existing "protected" variables, combine them somehow with a server-side secret value, and hash [correction: HMAC] them. Store the hash in its own hidden field. Then after the user submits, you repeat the process and check if the hash matches. If it doesn't, have everything error with security-violation page.


*As with all cryptography, doing this the "right" way can be tricky and depends a lot on how you encrypt/verify. There are lot of pitfalls in terms of ciphers and cipher-modes etc.


Finally, remember that preventing people from modifying it doesn't mean a user can't copy everything and re-use it later or under another account, unless you take steps to include a "timestamp" etc.




You can't. You can never, ever rely on user-submitted data. Even if you could prevent the user from modifying the DOM elements (which you can't), you could hardly stop them from submitting an HTTP request with cURL, wget or some other library with whatever fields they chose. Don't trust any data that is sent by the user.


If you want to ensure that the value doesn't change, you'll have to store it on the server. PHP has an excellent feature that allows you to do this -- sessions. Store the data in a session, and the user will not be able to modify it, because it will be stored on your server and never transferred to or from the user themselves.

如果要确保值不会更改,则必须将其存储在服务器上。 PHP有一个很好的功能,允许你这样做 - 会话。将数据存储在会话中,用户将无法对其进行修改,因为它将存储在您的服务器上,并且永远不会传输到用户本身或从用户本身传输。



If you are bent upon avoiding the server postback to validate input, you could base64 encode your hidden input and atleast make it harder for people out to tamper with it.




You can't. A rule to always remember that will save you a lot of thinking and design time. If the browser has it, its not secure.


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